Most Wanted Summer Bazaar@Tago Mago


Most Wanted Summer Bazaar duce mai departe un concept foarte bun al carui ultima "reprezentatie" a fost in luna martie, sub numele de "The Clothes Next Door”, targ de haine si accesorii vintage, handmade si second-hand. The Clothes Next Door este titlul seriei de targuri de haine si accesorii vintage (anii 70’ 80’ 90’), precum si al noilor colectii ale producatorilor hand-made, al tinerilor designeri, de vestimentatie si accesorii (pantofi, genti, palarii, bijuterii, etc).

Daca ceea ce cauti este un look complet original si greu de copiat, o imagine de femeie reala, departe de trendurile artificiale si superficiale vei gasi tot ce-ti trebuie la Most Wanted Summer Bazaar. Cumparaturile facute la un targ vintage si handmade sunt o modalitate grozava de a evita vestimentatia produsa in serie mare, si surpriza neplacuta de a vedea aceleasi haine sau accesorii pe altcineva.

Targul aduna sub acoperisul noului club/terasa/bistro Tago Mago din Str. Sperantei nr.21 mai multe “magazine” vintage, retro, second hand si handmade si devine astfel un "flea market" de interior cu vanzare de haine, obiecte deco, accesorii, tablouri, toate unicat.

Most Wanted Summer Bazaar inseamna mereu un spatiu liber, datorita diversitatii de nuante, imprimeuri, croieli si datorita modului placut in care te poate surprinde cate o piesa cu vechime. Ai ocazia sa gasesti adevarate comori vintage semnate de designeri cunoscuti: Yves Saint Laurent, Betty Barclay, Escada, Anne Klein, Botega Venetta, asta ca sa nu mentionam hainele cu eticheta unor marci gen Zara, H&M, Vero Moda, Marks&Spencer, achizitionate la un pret minim.

Vino sa te destinzi intr-o duminica placuta de vara in centrul Bucurestiului si sa-ti alegi lucruri unice care sa te reprezinte, de la accesorii lucrate manual pana la hainute in stil retro si actual!

Anais Shop te asteapta!

Garden of Enchantment


Garden of Enchantment e un proiect genial care presupune moda, fotografie, ilustratie si video - realizat de Saga Sig, fotograf bazat in Londra si ilustratoarea Hildur Yeoman. Filmul si sedinta foto au fost facute in ianuarie in Islanda si cele doua artiste incearca sa surprinda pe film o poveste inspirata de mitologia greaca, povestile rusesti dar si de peisajul islandic.

Fotografiile facute de Saga sunt imprimate pe hartie, lemn si material textil si apoi pictate de Hildur.

Videoclipul filmat la sedinta foto:

Garden of Enchantment from Saga Sigurdardottir on Vimeo.

Inspiratia este cu siguranta Fever Ray.

how I wear... clogs


Toata lumea a adoptat filmul lui Lagerfeld cu saboti din lemn...

Eu am preferat varianta sexy a sandalelor cu talpa din lemn...
Zara, so last season, achizitionate in august la pretul modic de 60 de lei!



Am profitat de ziua de sambata sa cutreier magazinele SH in cautare de comori si am gasit cateva piese clasice. Pe lista mea era de mult o haina scurta din blana si am gasit una perfecta, la un pret foarte bun. A trecut si pe la curatatoria chimica, abia astept sa o port...
Am mai cumparat o pereche de botine din piele, o vesta din lana, o curea din piele intoarsa rosie si o fusta din piele neagra.

Une fille -Tavi, une style - blogging


Primul semn ca "blogging is the new black", un blogger foto, Tommy Ton, responsabil de blogul Jak&Jill scrie un feature in Vogue Franta despre cea mai tanara bloggerita de moda din lume , Tavi Gevinson

Va las sa cititi articolul.

Camera Obscura


Am descoperit-o recent pe Deborah Turneville care a devenit dupa Irina Ionesco si Diane Arbus, no. 3 pe lista mea de favorite.

A fotografiat femei celebre din anii 70 si pana acum pentru reviste ca Architectural Digest, Casa Vogue, Conde Nast Traveler, Independent Sunday Review, L'Uomo Vogue, American Vogue, German Vogue, Italian Vogue, V Magazine, W Magazine.

Patti Smith by the sea 1977

Betsey Johnson

Charlotte Gainsbourg

Diana Vreeland

'It is typical of my way of thinking and working to prefer a work in progress, an open-ended visual narrative, rather than the completed version.’

What can be said with certainty is that the photographs present one of the great American fashion and style photographers of her generation as a storyteller. 'My pictures are about a mood,’ she says. 'There is a lot of ambiguity about my work and the way people see the photographs. The people who don’t like them have said they are like pictures torn out of a magazine 100 years ago. In fact, they are about anybody’s past, the present and the future. You can see the future in the women’s faces, in their apprehension. Perhaps it reflects the anxiety that is in me.’

Mai multe despre ea aici.

V Natalie


Noul look Natalie Portman pentru V Magazine.

Yasmin Sewell


Yasmin vine din Australia, este proprietara unui boutique foarte chic din Londra şi consultant/buyer la Brown London.
"What is your favourite item in your wardrobe?
My grey Christopher Kane cashmere biker cardigan. It always feels right - for work, out for dinner, or for travel.

What is your fallback outfit?

Slouchy jeans, a vibrant-coloured printed T-shirt and a double-breasted blazer.

What is your one piece of fashion or beauty advice?
Invest in a great haircut that reflects your personal style.

What has been your biggest fashion faux pas?
My cappuccino-coloured paisley printed tracksuit with matching hoody that I wear around the home. It looks like an old velour couch.

What aspect of fashion do you dislike?

Unethical, mass-produced stuff.

If you could steal anyone's wardrobe - past or present, fictional or real - whose would it be and why?
It would have to be Katharine Hepburn's wardrobe. I'd wear every single piece, none of it would go to waste.

Which part of your body would you like to change?

Longer legs and great posture would be very welcome

What makes your style idiosyncratic?
I suppose I'm really comfortable in what I wear, which translates as confidence. Others react more positively to me when I'm wearing clothes that I feel comfortable in rather than the killer, “just seen in Vogue” dress.

What are your five desert island staples?
An Eres bikini, Bio Oil, an Isabel Marant cover-up, tea tree toothpicks and a snorkel.

What is a day in the fashion life of Yasmin Sewell?
I wear clothes from Braus, a Brazilian label, to pilates. Then it's high-waisted trousers or jeans by Acne, T-shirts by Balenciaga or Josh Goot, blazers from APC, and ankle boots. I love to be boyish in the day and then wear a dress in the evening to switch my mood"
Sursa interviu: Times Online.

Material realizat de Garance Dore.

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