Sittings Editor


Alexandra Kotur este supranumita "The Viscountess of Vogue", este mana dreapta a Annei Wintour si o personalitate old fashioned, care se retrage din lumina reflectoarelor. Este genul de fashion editor care mie mi se pare ca a fost Diana Vreeland, sa nu mai mentionam ca si seamana fizic cu ea. Genul de editor old fashioned, dar nu intr-un sens peiorativ, ci in sensul in care se folosea vorba "you should only have your name in the newspaper twice: when you're married and when you die". Prezenta la evenimente si pe lista Vanity Fair a celor mai bine imbracate personalitati, Alexandra Kotur in creatii Carolina Herrera este varianta din ziua noastra a Dianei Vreeland. Fara tocuri ametitoare pe care trebuie sa iti tii echilibrul, fara ultima statement bag pe brat, fara machiaj...

As a sittings editor - "It's an old-fashioned term, in the '30s a Vogue shoot was a sitting," she explained - each time Ms. Kotur prepares for a shoot, she researches her subjects exhaustively: checking their previous photographs, coming up with an original way to portray them and studying such minute details as the length of their hair, how they like to dress, their hobbies.

"I think a closet full of things would actually stress me out. I just think this whole thing about not wearing anything twice, I just don't understand it. I think things should be worn. You should bond with your clothing. It should be yours. If you're in this industry and you're looking at clothes all day, I sort of just want to stay neutral. I respect trends because that's our industry and I enjoy it, but for myself, I'm just not really interested."

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